(510) 230-9433 info@itsimperialclean.com

Carpet Cleaning

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Commercial & Residential

Carpet Cleaning Services

At Imperial Cleaning Service, we proudly operate a large team with multiple service vehicles and can finish any size job in a timely and professional manner. We’ve invested in powerful and high-end cleaning equipment rarely seen elsewhere in the industry. Imperial Cleaning Service is primarily a commercial carpet cleaning company, but also have many dedicated residential customers. We are happy to bring our professional cleaning experience to our community to help ensure internal spaces are clean and healthy.

Commercial Carpet Cleaning

At Imperial Cleaning Service we are proud to offer exceptional carpet cleaning for nearly every large-scale commercial setting including:

  • Commercial Buildings
  • Multilevel Offices
  • Assisted Living Facilities
  • Hotels
  • Ferries
  • Yachts and other large vessels

Our experienced and diverse workforce accomplishes large jobs with incredible turn-around times. We make sure the job is done fast and right the first time, so your business can get back to work.

We’ve proudly developed a four part cleaning process for all commercial jobs;

  1. Pre vacuum with HEPA commercial vacuum.
  2. Pre-spray with emulsifier, which separates soil from carpet fiber.
  3. Pre-scrub and agitate with low speed brushing tool.
  4. Steam clean at 250 degrees, which includes extra passes for increased drying time.

Killing germs, loosening and extracting soil, disinfecting and deodorizing- that’s what sets us apart from your average carpet cleaning company. Making sure not to oversaturate your carpets with extra passes which also increases your dry time.
With more than 1000 feet of extension hose we can get to obscure sites like ferries docked at a pier or multilevel office buildings. If using our trunk mount isn’t possible, we have portable units for multilevel offices or hotels with multiple floors.

Marine Carpet Cleaning Services

Imperial Cleaning carries a longshoreman endorsement and are licensed to work on all marine vessels. We are proud to be the primary cleaning service for public ferries in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Call us today for a quote on your commercial carpet cleaning project.

Residential Carpet Cleaning

How do the professionals compare to a rented DIY carpet cleaning machine?

Unlike a rented carpet cleaning machines, our technicians will leave your home with your carpets nearly dry. Oversaturation and leaving water in the carpet for prolonged periods of time, can cause carpet browning. We have had to correct quite a few DIY cleaning jobs and unfortunately, sometimes the damage is irreversible. Trust the professionals from the start and your carpets will end up cleaner in a shorter period of time.

Our Residential Carpet Cleaning Process:

  • Perform an initial walk-through with the customer to identify any issues including problem areas and specific stains we should address.
  • Pre-vacuum (We use a HEPA commercial vacuum, which is significantly stronger than your home vacuum).
  • Prespray enzyme to help separate soil particles from the carpet surface.
  • Use carpet rake to agitate the carpet pile.
  • Extract soil using our truck mounted Sapphire Scientific truck mount.
  • For especially dirty carpets, we recommend using a Rotovac 360i for residential carpet cleaning. This rotating carpet cleaning tool does a much more thorough cleaning than traditional carpet cleaning tools while cutting the dry-time in half, it spins while it scrubs your carpet and extracts the water. This tool connects to our van and is an addition to our already powerful equipment. This expensive tool is not something every carpet cleaning company is able to carry, and it cannot be rented.

(510) 230-9433

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